Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gay Tagging Game

Ok Ill play, just because Im rad.

Four Jobs I’ve Had:

1. Bonanza Master-Dishwasher (fastest they ever had)
2. Bernett Research Prank Caller
3. James Toyota Car Deliverer/Washer/Peon
4. Contractor

Four Movies I Could Watch Over & Over:

1. Dumb and dumber
2. Baseketball
3. 13th Warrior
4. Legends of the Fall

Four Places I Have Lived:

1. In my parents house
2. In a trailer.
3. In a duplex.
4. In a house I built.

Four TV shows I watch:

1. South Park
2. South Park Re-runs
3. Lost
4. Dr. Phil ("every relationship needs a hero")

Four Places I Have Been For a Vacation:

1. Columbus, OH
2. Yucaipa CA
3. Victoria BC
4. Ft. Collins CO

Four Websites I Visit Daily (or almost daily):

1. The Gibbernator.
2. The Weather Channel.
3. Academic Reports for 12 people(davis).
4. My website, because I'm rad.

Four Favourite Foods:

1. Pizza
2. Jack' D Burgers
3. A burger from Hooters
4. Egg Rolls

Four Places I Would Like to Be:

1. On Helen
2. Metallica Concert
3. Alone on a boat
4. Krispy Kreme

Four People I’m Tagging:



~HeLeN~ said...

I can't believe being on me came before being at a metallica concert....typo? ;)

RespectMyAuthorita said...

it didnt, davis told me you might take that poorly so i changed it before you read it.