Friday, August 31, 2007


I was busting a riff, and it turned out halfway ok, so i recorded it and here it is for all 2 of you out there that watch these majestic videos.


Andrew Michael Jacobs said...


at 54 seconds you have a rad little deal that you are unable to pull off the second time you try it. you need to refine that part because it is rad (i know you think that every part is rad - but that part is particularly rad). also, at about 51 seconds, helen or leviticus makes a noise.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

andoan the 4th. i agree. i gayed it up the 2nd time. It is because i am on an acoustic because levi was asleep. Its so much easier to pull things off on an electric. I will rerecord and repost as soon as i can. that could be up to a month. or tomorrow.

Andrew Michael Jacobs said...

levi's slumber is probably also what instigated your move to the family room instead of the guitar room, eh?

move to ny. far from being gay, it is quite rad.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

Andy, you are right about the levitical call, i would love to sit here all relaxed, and believe you are right as well about new york, but im not going to.