Tuesday, November 11, 2008

LOGOS??? Is our Alma Mater Retarded?

I recently came across this bit of information, that I was astounded by. I dont share this unbelievable information until the end of the post, so if you dont wanna read all my prefacing of the problems with Logos, skip to the bottom, otherwise here it goes.

Over the years I have seen Logos going down the tubes and have been kinda bummed to see such a great school go tits up. While in my senior year I started to see all the fun and life sucked out of the school right before me. Things like spirit week were being called silly things that didnt fit with the school's vision statement. Yes that same statement that is constantly referred to like the constitution; but horribly interpreted in whichever way it will benefit the teacher or administator who is instituting a new rule or law. The Box Social was eliminated, Knights Day was downgraded from fun and unique education on all sorts of extra-cirricular ideas and activities to guys playing with fake swords in tights, while the ladies bake pies for the homosexual-looking men in tights.

Aside from these few instances there were many other problems which quickly dropped enrollment. Logos forgot that while being a classical Christ centered education, they were also a business. A business that was not funded by the government. And like any business if you dont do what you say, people will refuse to keep purchasing your product. Or when the product becomes worthless, the same will happen. The big problems are that Logos confuses the line between being the teacher and being the parent. Countless times me and my friends were being held to standards and held to an accountability that was only to be enforced by our parents. Administrators were telling us what was good for us in our life, and punishing us for making decisions that werent wrong, but that they didnt think was best for us. Or calling us into an office to tell us that we shouldnt be interested in a particular member of the opposite sex because that person wasnt "good for you".

Logos also doesnt see a need to have certified teachers. Which in some cases is ok. Some of the uncertified teachers are more qualified than most certified public school teachers. But the problem with this is that some of the teachers, pardon my french, are idiots. And more than half the class is smarter than the teacher. It becomes hard for a student to respect the teacher who is constantly getting facts wrong, and when corrected lashes out with punishments because of embarassment. This hurts the school, not the students. Logos recently had a highschool student teaching an elementary PE class. The question here is... " Do I as an Alumni want to send my kid to a school, where I pay good money for the school to skimp by throwing another student into a teaching position they dont have to pay for. Not to mention the quality of the class must be in the gutter for that to be happening. It also says something about the priority of PE at the school. Logos used to say that God wanted our minds to be well educated, as well as our bodies. Now it seems that isnt the case. I dont suppose we would see a highschool kid teaching 12th grade rhetoric would we?

The last thing which i will mention, is actually the reason for this post. Logos Basketball. Recently the girls basketball program was given the axe because of one of Logos' major flaws was realized and accepted. Logos always loved to shelter and never accept the evil of the world that is out there. We always ignored all the things in the world, never had an economics class or anything that would let us know of the outside world. Finally some of that evil influence came in the form of harsh competition on the girls basketball court. Instead of not being influenced by the the evil outside world, and shining as a light in the midst of the storm; Logos chose to quit and hide under a rock. Using the excuse that girls basketball is not a place the girls are able to glorify God. Lame.

These things are still problematic in my mind as i read the document below.

1. Logos still doesnt understand what is not the school's business, and what is private to an individual.
2. Logos still doesnt understand that as christians our faith is displayed through our lives and how we live, not by turning normal events like a basketball practice into a church service.
3. Logos, as far as sports, hasnt realized that if you arent gonna go all out, you might as well not have the program at all. Why have the program if you arent gonna devote even half the effort into making the program great as you put into the education. Logos had its best sports programs back when they had no money and no gym. Now that they have the facilities and all the means to have excellent programs they are throwing in the towel and having highschoolers train the elementary kids who will be the next era leaders in the sports programs rather than a skilled adult athlete.

Here is the document. This is a questionnaire given to all the boys trying out for basketball before the season started. They were asked to fill this out and the decision on who would be playing would be based "partially" on the answers given on the questionnaire. Here it is, dont cry, as sad as this is. This is the lamest thing I have come across since being an alumn.

Have you read the entire bible? If so, how many times? Ff not, why not?
Do you have a regular time you read your bible? If so when is it?
If now, when will it be during the basketball season?
How much time do you spend on TV, movies, video games per week?
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite band?
How much time do you spend on homework per week?
What is your favorite psalm or hymn?
Do you sing like a man in church? If not why not?
What does singing like a man mean?
Do you love God? Have you been baptized? If not why not?
If you knew for sure that you would not play one minute of one varsity game this year, would you still be interested in trying out for the varsity team? Why?
If you dont see much playing time in games this year what are you going to do about it?
What is the christian worldview of basketball?(*MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)
Where do you plan to go to college? Do you want to play basketball in college?
Would any of your parents, teachers or friends describe you as a scoffer? If so explain why.
What are one or two ways that you can sacrifice yourself for your team this year?
If you were late for practice due to an auto accident would that be a good excuse to use with your coach when you arrived? Why not?
Should you pray before shooting free throws in a game? Explain.
What is the best metaphor for a basketball game? Is it battle or play or...? Explain.
What is the best metaphor for life? Explain.
What do you think your calling in life is?
Define confidence, give the etymology of confidence.
Do you have a girlfriend? Why or why not?
Most of you will have kids some day, in what ways do you want them to be like you? In what ways do you hope they will be different?
What is the best lyric free warm up music for this season?

All of this makes me want to punch someone in the face down there at Logos. Not really, but I did wonder how any of this is Logos' business and what does it all have to do with basketball??? This questionnnaire is the perfect small example of why Logos is failing and barely any alumns I talk to wanna send their kids there. I honestly hope some day the school will get a hint and make some huge changes. If not, oh well. Unless something changes, my kid will not be attending there as it stands.


Evan Gunn said...

Any ideas of where else you would send levi? I only went there for 5years but that seems spot on. I agree. I'm not suggesting you send you son there, because it probably wont be there next year but, Montrose has an economics class.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

We will probably go to the public schools. We will probably have to involve ourselves a little more. But we thought about several things.

1) How many of the richest most sucessful people went to public schools? Answer- Most of them

2)My wife went to Public schools and she makes more than most Logos graduates.

3)The only bad thing about public education is the absence or lack of influence of christianity. If Levi receives this in the home, then education outside of the home just becomes a certificate or a degree to work, which is all that businesses are looking for anyway.

Lincoln Davis said...

Wow, that questionnaire is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

dude, i know. I seriously would have got kicked off that team for my answers on that one.

Anonymous said...

Jason - only the lamest thing you've seen since being an alum? :) Taking it's context, I think that's one of the lamest, stupidest things I've seen in my whole life.

Anonymous said...

noelle, quite possibly you are more right than I. It could be the lamest thing ever.

Anonymous said...

It makes me wonder what the questionnaires are like to get on Mock Trial, Theatre, or any of the other 'teams'... how lame.

Notes from the Underground said...

Why do they even need questionnaires in the first place? It's not like this is some ambassadorial position that's going to completely humiliate the school if one of the students misbehaves or performs badly on the court. (And, incidentally, if you were involved in an auto accident, you shouldn't even be there to tell the coach why you were late, you should be either at the hospital or talking to your insurance agent.)

Anonymous said...

No, if you misbehave or perform poorly at that school, instead of being humiliated, they have you sign a contract not to ever speak about what took place. And no, that is not something out of a movie. That actually happened to my wife who attended logos.

Lincoln Davis said...

By the way, where did you get a hold of this questionnaire?

Anonymous said...

dude, im not gonna post that on here. Call me if you really wanna know.

Desert Aire Today said...

wow- sad I didnt graduate with my class still a bit- but now u know why I had to leave early I suppose... I dont remember getting anything like that in girls bball...

Actually- If I did I wouldnt have it still- and I consider myself a memorabilia kinda girl- so that makes you like a extreme hoarder doesn't it :)

Well, either way it brings back a lot of memories- I wonder what you said about the best lyric free warm up was?

Anonymous said...

I dont think there is one. Well, maybe classical gas!


I would have warmed up to that cranked up loud!

Colin Clout said...

Jason, and everyone who'se posted here:

What do you think of Proverbs 17:9?

Anonymous said...

matt, elaborate.

Colin Clout said...

"Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends."

Are you seeking love, or seeking to separate close friends?

~HeLeN~ said...


Michalangela said...

Jason, Davis first e-mailed this to me, and I thought that you wrote as a joke. I cannot fathom that these questions were asked in all seriousness, things have changed there! I mean, they were already heading down crazy road, and they just kept going. It's too bad, because I know that I learned a lot there, and much of that knowledge is put to waste when you accompany that with the kinds of attitudes that come from that school. Thanks for posting this.

Michalangela said...

Jason, Davis first e-mailed this to me, and I thought that you wrote as a joke. I cannot fathom that these questions were asked in all seriousness, things have changed there! I mean, they were already heading down crazy road, and they just kept going. It's too bad, because I know that I learned a lot there, and much of that knowledge is put to waste when you accompany that with the kinds of attitudes that come from that school. Thanks for posting this.

Colin Clout said...

Does no one realize that online gossip is still gossip? Is gossip just a sin when it's offline? Does it somehow become sanctified by the laver of cyberspace?

Evan B. Wilson said...

If the children of a family get together and compare notes of their aging father's dementia, is it gossip? They may agree that he is fading but not to challenge him on it or put him in a home. They may decide to pursue some aggressive action or just keep their kids from being babysat by Gramps. This seems to be the case here. Alums are encouraged to invest their and their children's future in these hands. Their discussion of the dementia involves them and their wisdom must reflect that discussion. They may do nothing more than not involve their children, like Jason suggested.

Lincoln Davis said...


No-one challenges your premises, either about covering offenses or about online gossip. The question at issue is whether the matter at hand is an offense that needs to be covered or whether any of the discussion of it is gossip.

As to the first, we're not really dealing with an offense here. I don't think that anyone participating in this discussion feels WRONGED by Logos' actions - more likely they feel saddened (and in a certain sense, appropriately amused) at the silly place at which their alma mater has arrived. The proverb is directed at telling tales of the wrongdoing of others, but here, we're dealing with criticism of an institution, none of which, quite respectfully, even contains any names. Is it wrong to criticize institutions? Somehow I suspect that you regularly read, enjoy, and agree with blogs that criticize institutions.

As for whether this is gossip, much of the same rationale applies. Even assuming that criticism of an institution can still be gossip, gossip is defined by intention: while spreading a tale for the sake of Schadenfreude is deplorable, the Scriptures also say, "take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." The criticism you see here may be motivated out of love. As my grandfather has noted, you can usually tell a gossiper by whether he ever wants to approach the person gossiped about and address the alleged wrong, or if he wants only to talk about it. I am concerned about this issue because I think Logos is undertaking an abominably and laughably stupid thing with this questionnaire, and I wish I could do something to steer my old school away from the idiocy in which it is currently immersed.

Ask yourself this: if Jason were criticizing Planned Parenthood, the Ku Klux Klan, or even misguided brothers like those in the extreme ends of the emergent church, would you be urging him to cover their offenses and just hush-hush about it? Or do you think the Logos basketball questionnaire serves a good purpose? If so, defend it on the merits.

Colin Clout said...


Several of your points just seem like red-herrings. Specifically, if gossip about sin is wrong, how much more gossip about silliness.

Likewise your challenge at the end. If I say "stop gossiping about Suzy getting pregnant" it is ludicrous to reply "you think it's ok for her to get knocked up? Defend her on her merits."

Similarly, "Somehow I suspect that you regularly read, enjoy, and agree with blogs that criticize institutions" is just a tu quoque. Whether I do is irrelevant. If I do (and in fact I try not to, and do not discriminate in whom I defend) I am at fault.

And I fail to see how gossip about an institution is better than gossip about a person. Institutions are composed of individuals who care for their institution, and destroying an institution is no less destructive to those individuals than slandering them directly. Perhaps it's more like theft than murder.

And gossip is wrong even if the person gossiped about never learns of the gossip. If, for instance, I gosspied with you about some of my Catholic friends who you'll likely never meet, it would still be wrong.

Regarding the point about whether it is acceptable to be simply hush-hush, and whether we should expose darkness. I frankly would have no problem if Jason had sent people private emails saying "Logos is doing this, and it is really wrong, we should try and talk to them about it." But he didn't. He put it here, in the open, for anyone to see. And he really isn't encouraging anyone to do anything at all. He does say that he won't put Levi at Logos, but he isn't telling us not to. He uses the fact that neither he nor any of his friends would put their children at Logos as proof that his alma mater retarded.

Or if he were writing to people who were tempted to put their children at Logos, I wouldn't have a problem. I might disagree with him, but I would simply disagree. But the only people who are likely to read this post are people who already, more or less, agree with him. He isn't exorting people to avoid something dangerous.

Or if he was trying to awake people out of their stupor to oppose something dangerous, I wouldn't have a problem. But in that case the exortation (which is not an exortation at all) to not put your children at Logos is too weak. If someone is languid in their resistence to Logos, they woulnd't put their children there anyway.

In short, through your generous spirit, you are taking up with and defending slander and gossip.


Anonymous said...

Matt, you are one of the smarter people i know. You arent living up to that name right now. That is the nicest way i can call you a fag without being mean. You have always been nice to me, so I bequeath this kind criticism to you instead of a nasty one.

Anonymous said...

Matt, being one of the most hated graduates from logos, by logos, i have done more to help logos, probably than any other grad has. I have written letters to logos and to mr G trying to explain where they are going wrong. A letter was sent out years ago encouraging alumns to send money to logos, and logos expressed that they couldnt understand why they werent getting a strong response financially from alumns. I wrote to explain why. I have talked to davis a lot about it, about how he might talk to his uncle, possibly doug doesnt know alot of what goes on behind the scenes to try to help the institution. Matt, i liked logos alot. I want my son to go there. But not how it is now. Im embarassed to say i went there when their news letters come out and i see all the gay things that go on there now. How they got rid of all the good things and replaced them with lame things that i wouldnt be caught dead doing.Most alumns feel this way, and want it to change, or hope it does. I have heard countless alumns say they wont send money because of these things. They dont wanna support something that is lame and out of control.

Matt I do have the DIRT you speak of on logos. I know countless things that were done to me and my wife that were plain, Sin on logos' part. I didnt mention any of those in my post. Those are the things that i think you were speaking of when you said i was tearing them down or whatever you call it. Intentions here are not what you are thinking. Chill out. Im trying to help. Im not gonna send an email to every alumn to try and get them to help. This blog is faster and easier to raise awareness about what is wrong and going on there.

Colin Clout said...


I agree with you that the questionaire is ridiculous, and I emailed Matt Whitling (the current secondary principal) asking for more information about it.

Perhaps I'm misreading you--we have very different styles so that would be easy--and I cannot read your motives.

If they are good, then take my comment not as "Jason is doint a bad thing" but "Jason, this isn't quite the right way to go about criticizing Logos."

If you ammended the end so it had some sort of an appeal to make phone calls, or if you wrote (or got Davis to write) a letter with signatures of concerned alumni, I wouldn't have a problem. Actually, I would encourage you to do something like that.

In Christ,


Lincoln Davis said...


Obviously, I disagree with your response to me, but more or less agree with your response to Jason. Perhaps we can put together something to that effect.

Anonymous said...

matt i have no problem trying to put something together.

But, i disagree with you nearing 100%. I as a christian do not feel any conviction or feel any sin might be committed by merely saying. "Something lame is going on over there; this is what it is...Bummer, i hope it changes." This is not wrong. If it was wrong or sin, why did jesus do that all the time?

Anonymous said...

matt heres the biggest problem in your claim. If me,merely typing at the end, "Alumns make a phonecall to logos"; would turn this post from being evil to being good, then you should rethink your claim. I mentioned that unless something was done i wouldnt be sending my child there. That was leaving it open for all that wished to do something to do so, and if they just wanted to know what was going on there, because there are lots of rumors flying around, i gave out truthful information. i dont have to make some sort of call to arms for the alumns to make this post right. That isnt a prerequisite to pointing out problems with things. Otherwise critics and bloggers like doug and evan would all be in sin for pointing out any problem with anything, if they forgot to call everyone to find a solution. I think you mean well matt, but your logic is unreasonable.

Colin Clout said...


I'm not sure I understand as I thought I said the same thing twice. But whatever.

If by "we" you include me:

I'm not sure I'm as bothered by this as Jason is, it seems like a lot of the questions are really really silly "Should you pray before shooting free throws in a game? Explain." though some of them may be ok "If you dont see much playing time in games this year what are you going to do about it?" may be useful if someone becomes a crank for a lack of minutes.

But I think that it is silly because well it just looks stupid, and therefore ends up undermining its own purpose. They want Basketball to be competitive, and a Christian witness. But if all the competition knows they have some secret code they have to pass to play, the good sportsmanship will just seem hollow and affected. Moreover, the basketball program will be laughed at.

Anyway, I'm not sure I could be much help writing anything. But perhaps I could sign something. And I will try and talk to the school a little to try and see what's up.

Colin Clout said...


It's not that a simplistic statement could fix the problem I have with it. (Though I can see how what I said could sound like that.)

From my perspective we can criticize people when we are warning people away from something bad, or when we are trying to fix a problem--either by confronting the people who have done wrong, or trying to figure out what to do about a problem. But merely asking people to look at evil seems not to be respectful or loving.

Jesus, clearly, confronted the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, and warned people to avoid the Pharisees. But I don't think we ever have him recorded merely pointing out faults. Rather when he comes face to face with faults, he generally forgives, as he did the woman caught in adultery. And he commands us not to judge.

Now I cannot judge motives, but I can read this post, and whatever you intended to do, it seems that, in fact, you are only inviting people to stare at evil, not extorting them to fix it, nor warning them to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

I think you are over analyzing this post.There is no hate involved here. Im merely pointing out something that is lame. raising awareness, and hoping that something gets done about it. I have taken measures to, and hope possibly that others do. But if i dont take any more action personally i dont feel guilty about it.

jesus spoke to his disciples and pointed out the evil and problems with this group here in matthew, (ironically)

5But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

6And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,

7And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi

Jesus pointed out pitfalls and bad things all the time. There is nothing wrong with pointing out a problem with something for others.
And there doesnt even have to be some effort to fix it to justify pointing out the problem.

I can point out the problem with our government. I personally cant fix it and am in no position to ever get there. but if i offer no solution i must be in the wrong because im badmouthing the president or something. See how lude this is.

Notes from the Underground said...

If anyone wanted to write a letter of concerned alums, I would be willing to sign it.

Anonymous said...

There's a quote: Jesus called us to be fishers of men, not cleaners of fish. - Does Logos honestly think they have the right to scrutinize people this way? The word questionnaire hardly describes this thing. Why do the words spiritual interrogation keep coming to mind? This thing has the appearance of massive intimidation poising itself as some sort of spiritual wisdom. It reveals far more about those who composed it than it ever could of kids who just want to play. These questions beg for liars and any thinking adult should know that. I believe they'll promote far more hypocrisy and deception than honesty and sincere introspection.

To me, this thing seems like a desire to destroy any possible chance for a basket ball team. Who knows? I mean, if no one is holy enough to make the team then there's a "godly" reason for not having one and if you have a "godly" reason for not having one then any loss of money over building the gym in the first place wouldn't seem so bad....I don't know, it's just a thought.

I wish I could laugh about this thing, but it's too dang scarry. Thanks for posting it Jason.

Anonymous said...

and you are?

Anonymous said...

it's an understandable
question...which I'm willing to answer but I'd like to ask what difference it makes? Does knowing who I am validate anything I've written? Over and over again I've seen people discard things someone has written if the writer doesn't believe as reader does. Open willingness to give people a chance is in small supply in the world, especially when it comes to beliefs. Not that what I've written could be qualified as truth, but what difference does it make who writes truth, fact, or opinions we agree with for that matter? If something is true, it's always true no matter who says it. You allow anonymous comments on your blog. If you aren't content to allow people to remain that way then perhaps you should consider removing that ability your blog.

Anonymous said...

I ask, because you say, "thanks jason, i appreciate the post" like you know me, and so i naturaly wonder who loved the post. If you were anon, you wouldnt have mentioned my name and said your piece. You made it personalized by mentioning my name and excluding yours. I dont care all that much, i was just interested. If you wanna remain anon thats fine. But its not that i allow anon, for the reason of allowing people to be faceless, its just that i never cared to change the setting on the posting, i just allowed all.

But if you do believe that truth is truth no matter who says it, you shouldnt have a problem with signing your name at the end. The only reason for anyone to remain anon, is shame of some degree, or embarassment. Possibly shame for association with the author.

Anonymous said...

It's my manner to write an author's name in my comments because I believe it shows kindness and a general regard for them. I don't personally know you well, but in your life I have often appreciated your humor, sincerity, and desire to speak up for what you believe is right. It doesn't mean I feel or have felt that way about every given thing you say or do, but this post was very significant (in my opinion) and I wanted to say so.

Truth being truth no matter who says it has nothing to do with anyone making an anonymous comment. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but declaring that shame or embarrassment is the "only reason" to remain silent is overly simplistic. Please re-think that. There are times in a person's life when they feel compelled to speak out about something but others in their family may wish they didn't. It's in deference to them that I signed anonymous. Shame of association with you is most certainly not the case; if that were true I'd never have commented.

For MANY years my family poured thousands upon thousands of dollars into Logos school, supported auctions, did volunteer work, and much more. I am well acquainted with positive and negative aspects of the school. For all of the good it offered, I began to see, as our association with the school grew, the detrimental side of various things there and it became a continual mental war as to whether staying there was worth it. But, because of my gender there was only so much I could do.

Jason, what you've posted here is very important. It takes courage and conviction to speak up in Moscow. I respect that in you. In my opinion, keeping Levi out of the school is only wisdom at this point. The peer pressure at Logos is legion and the tragedy of what some have justifiably called "the Logos Royalty" will only be compounded if kids are expected to write a talmud of answers in explanation of themselves simply to play ball. Massive judgement is all these kids have to look forward to. "Did I answer the questions good enough? What will insure I make the team?" Who are these people that they think they have the right to do this to kids?The mere fact that they believe these questions are necessary seems to imply that they desire to go fishing in kids hearts. "Let's see, is Johnny really qualified to play ball? Is he as spiritual as we believe he should be" -- that's what this thing looks like to me. Fruit inspection done by way of intimidation. Those worthy enough, strong enough, yada yada, will make the team and presto, there you have "the chosen ones" - more Logos Royalty. It will create far more division than unity in the school and the end result can only hurt kids. It absolutely breaks my heart, but in life I've learned a couple of things and one of those is that the verse "Walk away from evil and do good" fits more times than most Christians want to admit when dealing with the Church.

Anonymous said...

Im fine with you not saying who you are like i said. I disagree with your reasons. my personal policies arent the same as everyone elses and thats fine. One of my policies has always been; I dont do or say things based upon what others will think of me. Even if it goes completely against the grain of what all my friends think, im fine saying whatever. It helps my friendships to be stronger anyway, because then you dont have everyone having a fit every time someone disagrees. Too many people in this world fear conflict. embracing conflict is what makes us strong and have better relationships. Embracing conflict is what makes a marriage work. It also makes people stronger personally. When my son gets shy when we are meeting new people and tries to hide behind me. I push him out in front and make him say hello and try to say everyones name. Now he is a strong 2 year old. If i dont do this, he will be afraid of anything he is unconforable with in life. Its all these small decisions that make up who we are. Most people just got held to their mothers chest and she said "oh hes just a shy little boy!" and laughed it off. Those people are the ones afraid of conflict.

Dont get me wrong, it may seem like im trying to get you to break down and come out with who you are. I dont want you to. I just think you should think about this. People in your family and people in the world are afraid of conflict. They cant handle disagreement, and when it comes about, they take it personally. Just remember that if people are more open about these things, they may encounter a little hostility at first, but in the long run will be better off.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response. Thank you very much. There are many reasons why people don't like conflict, but fundamentally I believe you're right - embracing conflict is good for us. The problem I've witnessed and experienced in Moscow is that conflict isn't approached as conflict, it's redefined as WAR and many live their lives on a self righteous warpath. They can't peacefully discuss things or even verbally duke it out - little gets resolved because invariably they don't want to give up any territory or allow other's the right to disagree. It's their way OR war time because they have some biblical mandate they think demands staying put in their territory.

If there is anywhere on Earth where resonable discourse and questioning authority is NOT taken well it's Moscow. Destruction of "the enemy", i.e. those who dare to question too much, looms for many households if you go to certain churches. Men need to keep their women in line, you know. If they don't there will be hell to pay. I could elaborate extensively but will refrain.

Sometimes in life, Jason, there's only so much hell people can take getting beat out of them. You may call it cowardly and I understand, I really do. Some come to the point that they just decide to let war loving leaders and the people who follow them, self destruct. They haven't come after you in full force yet. If or when they do, I believe you'll eventually fare very well, but NOT because you were willing to reduce yourself to their godless ways of fighting (all in the name of Jesus, of course), but because of your and Helen's faith in God to survive - because I assure you, Jason, they will mean to destroy you. I know. I've been there and my family's faith, no matter how weak it may seem to you right now, was what helped us survive. Once a person's been through it they seldom desire to relive it again. I don't know, there's just something in me that has to shout out about the insanity I see taking place sometimes and when your wrote this post I wanted to comment.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know - please don't think I intend to crop on your blog and state my opinions from now on. I read your blog at various times, as I do many people I know in Moscow. Seeing pictures of their children, families and events blesses me. But, it's not my desire to comment on many of the happenings in town. This post just stirred me up more than usual and I wanted to say something. Thanks

Anonymous said...

thats cool. I dont think ive seen a whole lot of this war you speak of on my end at least. I think the only problem out there is that a lot of christians want control and influence in the lives of others. The only way that those sorts of people can invade lives is if those innocent people allow them to, or put themselves in situations where they can have control over them. As far as anyone coming after me, i dont know why they would. And if they did, Im more than positive they wouldnt have a very good time doing so. The advantage i have, is that i dont care what the rest of the community thinks of me, and that makes anyone in any commmunity who thinks this way, pretty much untouchable because they dont allow them to use and social leverage on you.

I get what you are saying. But I also think it might be a bit extreme. I dont think Moscow idaho's christian climate is quite like the itallian mob yet.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting this information. This questionaire was brought to my attention by a dear friend. I, like many others, am very saddened by the direction Logos seems to be going.

I was involved with Logos from its very early years as either a supporter, parent, or teacher. I left Moscow and now reside in Arizona. Moving here has given me much perspective on the school and many of the controversies that surround the Christian community in Moscow.

Above all, I want to make it very clear that I have great love for the staff and the board of Logos. Regardless if I agree with decisions made at the school or a person's particular theology, the people that I worked with love God with pure hearts. I also believe that they have a heart's desire to please God and raise their children in a godly way.

The problem comes when a person's convictions about how to raise their children become dogma and the only "right" way to accomplish it. As you mentioned, I also believe that the school has taken the motto, "En parentis loco" ("in the parents' place") a bit too far. The school should be there to support the parents in raising their children to love the Lord, not to judge whether they're doing it correctly or not. The only institution that has authority over parents is the church, not the school.

The difficulty comes in that, when you talk with the people closely tied with the school, they are blind to what is happening. That blindness, I believe, comes from a heart that wants to do what's best for the children - they just don't see that there are many "right" ways!

Before making a final judgement on the questionnaire, I would want to speak to those that composed and approved it, to see the purpose in it and exactly how it will be used.

That being said, I agree with Anonymous - children will be consumed with finding out what the "right" answers are...whether they agree with them or not. I'D like to know what those answers are! Which tv shows, movies and books are "approved"? How much tv watching is allowed, if at all? Is baptism a requirement to play basketball? For that matter, is being a Christian a requirement? As a teacher, I was told not to assume that all of the students were believers. What a great witness to non-believing families who send their students to Logos! "Sorry, your kid can't play sports here because he doesn't love God." This questionaire is much more personal than the application for teaching. Perhaps today I wouldn't be hired. Very sad...

One last thought: As I said previously, I love the people at Logos - the teachers and administrators with whom I've worked,the students whom I've taught, and the parents whom I have supported. As a parent, I am very grateful for the education that my children received there and for the teachers who loved them. Above all, I am grateful to God for bringing me here to Arizona to see that living the Christian life is a RELATIONSHIP, not a set of rules; humility, not arrogance, is closer to being like Christ; and that we are all flawed and need Him!

I am praying for the school that I love!

Anonymous said...

I pretty much agree with everything you said. I too loved going to logos, up until the last 2-3 years. I have so many good memories as well as bad. But it seems like it has gotten out of control. I cant help but be disappointed and hope something changes. Like you said, they have no idea something is wrong there. They dont assume that kids could be nonchristians. They assume they go to christ church.

I think they forget that you are supposed to let your christianity shine through everything you do; not inject christianity into every event. Like singing psalms at every event, and trying to make every activity a christian one. It seems like everything is turned into something that is like an old christian tradition. but really its just a basketball game with christian guys playing. The problem with what they do is it looks totally lame to the outside world. They might say, you shoulndt worry what people say about you when you are serving the lord. But I would say, if you are turning a lot of normal or recreational activities into really odd christian events, then you make christians look really lame to a culture you are trying to witness to. They in turn think, "why would i want to be a christian dork, doing these lame things" "why would i send my child to a place where he is gonna end up becoming a really dorky child".

I want my child to be competetive intellectually, and competetive on the sports fields. And i want him to be socially competetive.Logos does ok on one front, and that is the academics. They are failing socially, bailing out on spirit week, box social, knights day (the original one), the list goes on. They are failing in their sports programs, by limiting practice hours in the gym, bailing out on the girls program due to "girls competetive attitudes", and that list goes on.

Hopefully something will change, i appreciate the comment.

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