Thursday, November 08, 2007

Calm sounds

I couldnt ruin this idea i had with a video of me in sweatpants. I found some landscape photo to help clear the mind, so the sounds would be clear. I plan on turning this song electric with a ton of power. i had to record acoustic due to a child sleeping in the home.


Andrew Michael Jacobs said...

how odd. i can barely accept that you would consider trying to set a mood through other artistic mediums than just music itself. bravo.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

Andy i didnt want anyone distracted by my awesome good looks, or my rad sweatpants. I thought the music was too good for that. Tell me you would have considered the music differently without the picture.

Anonymous said...

this is a choice tid-bit. i'm coming into town over Christmas: got some recording ideas for you. email me your phone number. peace

Lincoln Davis said...

That's pretty rad, dude.

Andrew Michael Jacobs said...

Hey Jason,
So I still haven't talked to the patient peace but I will soon. I got back from Phoenix today and listened finally. I think it isn't progressive enough. I mean, it needs to go somewhere but seems to just be floating notes not attached to an idea. But keep going and make it more than a 1 min. bite and I may reconsider. Oh, and use a classical guitar...

timmyjimi said...

as good as ever.