Sunday, September 21, 2008

You cant Fight it.

At first i didnt like this new album. But slowly metallica, (Who is so awesome that we cant understand), takes hold of you and tells you that they are rad. I kept listening and found out that they were melodically with thrashing axes, telling me that i wasnt listening closely to how insane the riffs were. I found that every time i hear a new metallica album, my history has been pretty much been the same. I start out not liking it, because it doesnt speak to my ears that have been numbed by years of lame alternative music through my childhood. But slowly Metallica rings the bell of truth and my ears open up to hear things clearly and i realize I am for whom the bell tolls. Listen to this.


Anonymous said...

the riff of "broken, beat, scarred", when it finally breaks out, is the best moment of this album.

Evan Gunn said...

Metallica grabbing hold of me and telling me how rad they sounds like they are a little insecure about how rad they really are. Sounds like someone i might know.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

No gunn, we are all blind and confused about radness, metallica is like allstate, we are in good hands with them at the helm. We think we know whats best for us, but metallica knows better.

Ben, there are several riffs at the intro that it breaks out into. I think the best one, (and im hoping its the one you are thinking of), is at 1:00 exactly.
Also Suicide and redemption is becoming one of metallicas shining moments in my eyes and ears.

Evan Gunn said...

I like metalica. i was just being mean, and making fun of you more than anything.

RespectMyAuthorita said...

you suck at being mean, and making fun of people. Maybe i should take you under my wing. Into the nest, the tree of trust.